August 03, 2003


Oops ... I meant to check for that. It turns out last entry was my 1000th here,
huzzah and pip-pip and all that. As it happens, it was an href="">interview entry (questions
by Trance) so that seems appropriate
for a milestone entry. I've already pre-celebrated, anyway, with the href="">win-a-Gold-Membership
, won by L'Empress.

The best part of my weekend so
far was finding out that my car is officially being totaled, since I was nervous
about driving a vehicle with so much damage even after repairs, and even better,
that the insurance company will be paying me more than the payoff value of the
lease. If I'd had to pay into the lease, I was going to wait until next year to
get a new vehicle and just drive my truck meanwhile, but I may get a new car
sooner after all. Now I just have to decide what: I'm looking for something with
good fuel economy for my 80 mile round trip, but decent handling and comfort for
the near two hours I spend in my car each day. So far the best choices seem to be
another Civic, maybe a Hybrid one this time, or a diesel Volkswagen Beetle. If
anyone has experience with either or other suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them.

Another less sensible possibility is to sacrifice a few miles per
gallon and get something sportier but still significantly more efficient than my
truck, something like a Mustang, Miata, or even BMW Z-4. That last is least
likely, since I'd be paying twice as much per month as I was for Zippy the Honda,
which I don't think I want to do.

And obviously, safety is a factor.

Posted by dichroic at August 3, 2003 10:46 AM
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