August 20, 2003

another legacy of Franklin

Sorry no entry today -- Wednesdays and Thursdays seemed to be my busiest ones so I
may not have much to say tomorrow either. Then again, I might.

I just realized. Meetings all day mean I might miss some of Rudder's races on href=""> Maybe some of them are telecons.

caught myself reverting to childhood lately, in an odd way. When I was about
three, one eye was weaker than the other and tended to turn in. Still does
sometimes when I'm tired and I often lok like I'm stoned in photos because of it.
They put me in bifocals, which tend to correct that for reasons I don't quite
understand, and clipped a patch on one side for a while. When I got to stop
wearing the patch, they kept me in bifocals. These were what are called executive
bifocals, with a line straight across, because that was the only kind that would
fit in the tiny glasses I wore then.

I was slightly farsighted at
that time, but too much time spent staring at a book eventually made me
nearsighted. When I was nine, I got to not wear glasses for a year, because my
eyes hit a normal point in their transition from far- to nearsighted. When I had
to start wearing glasses again, I kept the bifocals. When I was a bit older, the
doctor gave me a choice whether or not to have them. They really are more
comfortable when you're used to them, so I kept them. I don't mind the lines,
having had them all my life, so I just stuck with the executive bifocal.

In college I got my first contact lenses (and walked around
crosseyed for a week until my eyes got used to them). I didn't get bifocal
contacts because they weren't really necessary and it just seemed too complicated.
I do find the plain lenses a bit uncomfortable for tiny things like embroidery or
looking at mint marks on pennies, but that's not exactly a major problem.

A few years ago I found my glasses were making me dizzy even after
I'd had that pair long enough to get used to them. The optometrist recommended
getting the tiniest lens I could find. Fortunately very small ones were in fashion
then (still are, and they're more flattering on my face anyhow) but I did have to
ditch the bifocal to wear them. Then a month or so ago I switched to a new kind of
contact that you can wear a month at a time and now I hardly wear glasses at all

So, to get back to my original point, I wore bifocals most of
my life but haven't had them for a few years now. So why do I suddenly keep
noticing myself tilting my head up as it to look at the monitor through the bottom
lenses? I've just had my eyes checked or I'd wonder if they were changing again.

Posted by dichroic at August 20, 2003 06:59 PM
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