August 29, 2003

pines and mindreaders

Now Jenn's got me jonesing for some
fresh pine air. Fortunately, I think we're going up to the property tomorrow. The
high country around Arizona's Mogollon Rim is actually a lot like parts of Oregon,
and the area farther north around Flagstaff is much like the drier parts of the
Cascades. The air is clear and the temperatures are comfortable all year round. We
don't have horses in the area where we own a lot (though there are some, not to
mention bison, right across the main road) but since it's an airpark we do have
the tang of avgas in the air.

I didn't update yesterday because I was
helping out at a company event all day. I won't go into detail but will note it
was about the best run thing of its sort I've ever seen. It was held at a Hyatt
Regency and everything was first class all the way.

By the time I got
to go home, it was about ten PM -- well past my bedtime but the event had a racing
theme and we were all pretty revved up by the end. I'd driven the Mozzie in and
had put it in valet parking, mostly because I never did figure out where the
regular parking was, if they had any. Besides, the day before I'd noticed the
valets were trying not move the seats from where the owners had them, so I figured
it would be pretty funny watching someone tall (they were all tall, compared to
me) try to get out out my car. (It wasn't, as it turned out, because he did have
to move the seat back a bit.) As I got into my car in the cooler night air, I
realized I had the perfect antidote to falling asleep on the drive home: I opened
the roof. Just right.

There was only one problem: I couldn't find the
right driving music on the radio, especially after the pulse-pounding stuff they'd
been playing at the event to get everyone's blood pressure up. AC/DC's "You Shook
Me" eould have been ideal, or maybe something by Thoroughgood, but no luck. I
tried the various rock stations and finally ended up switching between one of them
and a country station just trying to find something heavy on the bass and drums,
but still with a recognizable melody. Of course, they waited to put anything at
all appropriate to my mood on until I was half a mile or less from home. Silly
radio stations - aren't they supposed to be better at mind-reading than this?
Where are Wolfman Jack or Vin Scelsa when you need them?

Posted by dichroic at August 29, 2003 12:21 PM
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