July 08, 2003

resistance to pants is futile

Have you ever just lusted for a particular article of clothing? One you tried on
and it just looked so good that even though you were strong and resisted spending
the money you were still thinking about it three days later?

In a
local sporting goods shop the other day, I tried href="http://www.altrec.com/shop/detail/14942/">these on. They are
inordinately comfortable -- low and loose on the hips, lightweight and soft. They
have spiffy seams, and the pockets zip closed just in case you might want to fall
in the water while wearing them and not lose your car keys. (Note: just take the
keys with you. Those car remotes don't like getting wet, according to my users'
manual.) And they looked damned good -- for one brief moment back around 1980,
knickers were in fashion, and they suited me so well I've been waiting for them to
come back in ever since. This pair may be called capris, but they're just calling
them that so they sound fashionable. I mean, come on, it's got buttons on the

I resisted buying them because they met only two of my three
major criteria: comfortable, looked good, but -- oops! -- not reasonably priced.
They've been lurking in my head ever since, whispering "Resistance is Futile" so I
may have to just given in and join the collective ... I mean, buy the

I think it's all a function of being happily married. I don't
obsess over cute guys (much) so now I'm just sublimating, projecting my wants onto
clothing. At least they're less likely to break my heart, pass on diseases, or
make me crazy... crazier.

Posted by dichroic at July 8, 2003 01:52 PM
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