July 20, 2003

REAL sports

Why is it that ESPN can televise lumberjack sports (log-rolling, "hot saw", etc)
but will not be at US Rowing Nationals?

I mean, why aside from the
fact that the lumberjacks havesponsors eager to distract the American public from
what some of them are trying to do to our National Forests?

rolling and such are pretty cool to watch, actually; I wouldn't want them to go
away. I would like all those big-money spectator sports that bore the piss out to
me to go away -- those sports like like football, basketball, and so on, that are
watched by people who would never think of participating in them. Or at least, I
would like them to recede a bit to make room for sports that are watched and loved
by people who do this or something related to it or something to train for it
every damn day. Move over, you big hunks of overpaid meat in cleats. I want
to see men and women who work for a living and play sports for fun.

Posted by dichroic at July 20, 2003 06:25 PM
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