What a way to start a week. I think I've used up all my allotment of good luck for
the rest of the year. Pity it's only July.
Things started out
normally enough: woke up at 4, went rowing. Actually, first I woke up at 1 when
another storm came in. I don't know if we got any rain, but there was a lot of
wind and lightning that was nearly constant but far away. The lightning had died
back to only a flash every thirty seconds or so by the time I reached the lake.
I'm generally on the overconservative side about mixing water and lightning, but
decided to go out this morning because it was all so far away that I never did
hear any thunder. The lightning did go away almost completely by the time I got
off the water. One bit of luck. (What kind of particles or waves does luck come in
and how is it measured?)
I showered and dove off to work. Halfway
there, while driving in the left lane on a three-lane highway, I wanted something
I can't even remember now in my purse. I reached over to get it out of my tote,
looked ahead again and realized I had somehow quantum-jumped over to the left
shoulder. I'm still not sure how that happened, since I don't think my eyes were
off the road for more than a second. I attempted to get back in the lane but
apparently jerked the wheel too hard; as best I can figure, the rear end swung out
and I cut across three lanes of traffic, hit the right side barrier with the right
rear of the car, bounced back across three lanes again, hit the left wall,
and finally managed to stop the car.
Somehow, miraculously, everyone
else on the freeway -- and this was morning rush hour -- managed to avoid me. A
very nice man stopped to see if I was OK, called DPS, let me use his phone since
mine didn't seem to be working, and waited until the cop came. The fairly nice
police officer called the tow truck and waited until it came. (Though he did cite
me for "failure to control vehicle to avoid a collision".) The quite nice tow
truck driver took me to one mechanic, then when it turned out he didn't do that
sort of work, to another. (First the insurance office wasn't yet open, then the
chick there was too clueless to tell me where to take the car.) And the nice body
shop guy gave me a ride home.
The car has a crumpled hood, some
dripping fluid, a rear dent, and probably a bent frame. No idea what will happen
with it.
Meanwhile, I have a rash from the seatbelt angling over my
left collarbone and a sore muscle from my neck to my left shoulder blade. I have a
doctor's appointment this afternoon just in case, but I really doubt anything else
is wrong.
I'm staying home all day today (can access work email from
here) partly to rest my neck and because it all took so long, partly because I
really am not looking forward to driving that road again. Meanwhile, look at my
luck. I'm a little sore and will have to take defensive driving, but no one else
is hurt (I still am amazed they all steered around me), I have another
vehicle I can drive, and while I have to pay the $500 deductible, I can spare
the money without worrying about making my next meal or rent check.
am a lucky girl today. Tomorrow, I'd best be careful.
On each birthday, for the hours
Mothers labored giving birth,
Folk receive from unknown powers
Luck, a gift of unknown worth.
On each birthday, wizards wrestle
With their birth luck to invest
Birth luck's power in a vessel
Granting magic on request.
On each birthday, sad folk wander
Hoping luck will alter fate.
Happy folk who will not squander
Happiness stay home and wait.
Happy birthday, happy luckday.
May kind fortune follw you,
Luck's capricious, luck loves patterns.
May my gift shape luck for you.
~~~> Will Shetterly