Whatever low-grade minor ickiness felled me on Sunday was still having a tiny
effect by this morning. Nothing major, I just had less energy than expected while
rowing this morning. Despite that, I managed to do 12K, so I'm pleased. I have a
race weekend after next but will not taper down for this one much, except for
doing a short row on Thursday so I can unrig the boat and loading it on the truck
instead of rowing on Friday.
She-Hulk and I have our second row
together, and our last row together before the race, on Friday morening, so I'm
hoping to be more energetic by then. It's not that I've been actually sick, more
like just not-quite-right - stomach cramps, low-grade fever and no motivation to
get up off the couch Sunday, stomach burblies last night, low energy this morning.
I'm almost back to regular status, I think. I hate when this happens right before
a race.
After the Regionals on July 13, I think I'm going to take a
week completely off (not from work, just working out). If my body wants to
collapse, it can just bloody well wait.
By the way, since I
href="http://dichroic.diaryland.com/plsnodelay.html">complained about a minor
problem with Amazon, it's only fair to note that they fixed it. After increasing
panic when they hadn't answered my emai in about 5 hours (they say they generally
answer within 24, so that's not unreasonable), I looked up their 800 number. Yesm
they still have one; it's not posted on their site anywhere I coud find, but I
googled up a 1-800 directory and found it easily enough. I spoke to a very nice
lady who immediately understood the importance of the problem and told me to
disregard the site's shipping estimate. They were still promising free Satrurday
shipping to anyone who ordered up through the 17th, and this was still yesterday,
so I'd have been OK even if it were a new order. Then she promised to keep
checking periodically to make sure the order would be shipped as promised, and
I've just received an automatic email saying the book will be shipped on 6/20 and
get here 6/21, as promised. Yay, Amazon, Dichroic's (relative) sanity will be