OK, packed up and all ready for the race ... ready, that is, except that
AussieCoach has apparently given the race organizers the wrong ages for us. As it
turned out, he was only estimating and *told* them (he said) to use the ones in
the official entry packets, so it's not entirely his fault. Still, though, he gets
it wrong every damn time. These things would work out better if he'd only remember
that you can't just write someone's age down once and then assume it's the same
forever, especially not after a couple of years. (Then again, you can
generally assume that with names, and he gets my name wrong most times too, giving
me Rudder's surname. I correct him, he apologies, and then he goes and does the
same thing the next time.)
And because I found this info so useful
when I saw it on
href="http://www.mythoslogos.net/journal.blogger.html">Mer's journal, I will
pass it on. As of today, you can register on the National Do-Not-Call list, though
telemarketers don't actually have to check it until October 1. Go
href="http://www.donotcall.gov">here to register (though the server appears to
be a bit overloaded at the moment) or
href="http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/donotcall/#rules">here for more
Off to the races - wish me luck!
Posted by dichroic at June 27, 2003 08:32 AM