I am replete, having just gotten back from eating Mexican food with a coworker.
Our cafeteria's not bad, but I am very tired of it. Anyway, good Mexican food in
tiny unassuming restaurants is one of the good things about life in Arizona.
Though actually the best Mexican food near my house is instead in a large assuming
sort of place, decorate with large statues of Mexican patriots and a painting of
the sky on the ceiling.
Drat. I had an actual essay topic to write
about today an I have forgotten what it is. Perhaps when work calms down a bit at
the end of June, I can tilt the contents of this journal a bit more toward essays
and less toward daily minutiae, though I don't ever expect to give up writing
about both.
Meanwhile, it's probably just as well I've forgotten my
topic. The outline of a story about a girl and a cactus crawled into my mind
yesterday on my drive home and I should capture that in print, though I'm not
really sure what to do with the butterfly after I net it. To be the finished
product I envision, it will also need illustration and I don't know whether my
drawing skills are up to the task. The best thing, no doubt, would be to write it
and draw it and find out.