I've got a case of the stupids this week. I'm actually a bit proud that I figured
out the reason for it this quickly, since as anyone who has read Flowers for
Algernon will realize, this is the sort of ailment that makes itself difficult
to diagnose. That is, it doesn't mimic the symptoms of other ailments, it just
makes sure its victim is ill-equipped for logical deduction.
Long-time readers may remember that when I was training hard (this is a way to say
that I am too lazy to look up the reference) under the influence of Coach DI (who
has been in Jekyll mode recently), when we took a break from training I woke up
one morning and realized my brain had been defuzzed. Suddenly I was sharper and
more productive and my memory was much better.
I'd never actually noticed the change in the other direction before; it usually
just kind of sneaks up on me. With the more varied and (slightly) less strenuous
erg-row-lift-row-erg schedule I'd followed for most of this year, I'd been feeling
sharp and focused, a very good thing given recent work demands. However, compare
these lists:
Stupid things I've Done Lately
Recent Training Schedule
Incidentally, during a normal week I get up at 4 on rowing days, 5 on erging days,
4:30-5 on gym days. I'm not sure whether the change is due to slightly earlier
hours, or the more strenuous workouts, or stress, or what. I'm going to keep up
the same schedule next week, then taper for the
href="http://www.csusaquaticcenter.com/html/gold_rush.html">Gold Rush regatta
on May 25, but I think after that I'm going to have to cut back a bit.
I don't mind look stupid or occasional stupid things, but I really, really hate
just being stupid.