April 04, 2003

boots and bras

I may be the only woman in the world who could href="http://dichroic.diaryland.com/traumbra.html">go up two bra sizes and
still end up in a size hardly anyone carries. I can wear a more common size (34B)
but the underwires end up in the wrong places. Ouch. Not that I really need
underwires. Not that I really need the damn thing at all, except for showthrough
issues. So why not just stick with the lightweight top-half-of-an-undershirt sort
of thing? As I said, showthrough issues.

Hey, href="http://mechaieh.diaryland.com/040403.html">Mechaieh opted out of doing a
bra rant today, so someone had to. And I never have too much trouble ranting on
that subject. I suppose I should be thankful I don't have to wear corsets,
crinolines, or girdles.

Despite the talk of undergarments and makeup
and the overindulgence in shopping, I don't think of myself as much of a girly
girl. So why am I having so much trouble restricting myself to only two pair of
shoes (brown laceup walking boots and black Doc-clones) for a week in Ireland? I
may end up throwing in a pair of ballet-slipperish things that weigh nothing just
so I can have something that goes on quickly and doesn't weigh 5 pounds or require
socks. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if Rudder brings nothing but his high-tops.
Less than a week before we leave!

Speaking of Rudder, he's still not
over his cold yet, and has been uncharacteristically easy going this week. It's
sort of scary. This is a man for whom "easy-going" can include the double practice
yesterday -- that is, he took a double out with She-Hulk and then again with the
erg champion guy. On the other hand, he did only light workouts Tuesday and
Wednesday and didn't exercise at all Monday and today. I hope he gets all the way
better (and I don't catch it) before we have to fly.

Posted by dichroic at April 4, 2003 12:12 PM
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