Phew. Fortunately I feel signiicantly better today, though maybe a bit guilty for
skipping my workout again. Even Rudder said to, though, and when Mr. Work
Ethic says to take it easy, I listen. He mentioned that he'd heard some airports
are quarantining anybody with a temperature over 100.4, which was a bit worrying
since mine was up to 101 last night. Now there'd be a fun way to spend a vacation,
locked up in solitary in a London (or Dublin) hospital.
Also, T2 is
justifiably protective of Egret these days, so if I show up too sniffly, I can
just see him making us stay at a hotel. Can't argue with words like "high-risk
pregnancy". Incidentally, she's got only 3-4 months to go and says the twins are
now about 2 lbs each, if anyone out there has been curious. I don't think she's
updating Ziggymmuch these
Just in case, I have packed Tylenol (so I can land fever-free),
Nyquil (so I can sleep on the plane -- should help with jet-lag, too), Claritin,
and at least two kinds of Sudafed. If a small army gets sick in my vicinity, I'm