Whew. Pant-pant-pant. Work today has been insane -- I was booked to
teach two classes at once and the co-instructor for one of them didn't show up
until about 2 hours in, and it is NOT a class that can easily be taught alone
because there are lots of labs. Also there was a (mostly) blind and deaf
(slightly) guy who realized he couldn't keep up unless he had someone to read all
the instructions from the manual to him.
Fortunately one of my
wonderful co-workers rescued me by teaching the other class, the other instructor
finally showed up (she'd been double-booked too but hadn't bothered letting me
know .... grrrr) and the blind guy decided to reschedule. I'm going to see if we
can arrange for an intern to sit next to him and help him out next
Pant, pant pant. Wheeze. Go read yesterday's entry about
href="http://dichroic.diaryland.com/ireland.html">Ireland instead -- it's far
more interesting. and it's got pictures!