April 22, 2003

casting blame

Whew. Survived yesterday. The rest of the week should be considerably more laid
back. (IhopeIhopeIhope)

Now it's time to up the intensity of my
training so that the results of my next race (end of May) will be more
satisfactory than those of the last one. The videos were terribly depressing; I
got discouraged and form went all to pot in the last third of the race. As
Poseidon is my witness, I will never do that again. If I have to row slower than
I'd like I will but by Nereus I will look good doing it. And thereby keep my speed
up a little more to boot.

On a different topic (I sure say that a
lot!) I missed most of the news last week but did catch the bit about the Iraqi
National Museum being pillaged. I'm as grieved about that as the next history buff
/ museum freak but I'm perturbed to see blame cast toward America for that one.
You can, of course, argue whether we should be there at all, and I have, even with
myself. But the fact is now we are there, and an invasion force is not the same,
size, equipment, and training-wise, as a civil police force. More to the point, it
wasn't the Americans who did the looting, and to blame them for it feels to me
like blaming "the other woman" instead of the straying husband who broke his vows.
Ahem. Sorry, not quite an apt analogy, but I mean that the people who perpetrated
the outrageous act are the ones who deserve the outrage.

On the other
hand I heard a rumor today that some American GIs had looted money from some Iraqi
stashes and I do find that, if true, entirely appalling and

Posted by dichroic at April 22, 2003 01:27 PM
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