March 06, 2002

not too much to say except thanks

Work's left me not feeling like writing much today. It hasn't been bad
exactly, just frantic enough to leave me disinclined to write anything I don't
have to.

Oh, except this...

I've been getting birthday cards
from my dentist and insurance agent for a week now, but yesterday I got an actual
present in the mail, from an actual person. href="">Thanks! Only problem is, Rudder won't let
me open it until Monday, my actual birthday. (Well, he wouldn't actually prevent
me, but he'd tell me I'd regret it and he'd be right.) At least he doesn't make me
wait until after dinner, as he always does -- I can see the appeal of delayed
gratification, but that's just ridiculous.

Posted by dichroic at March 6, 2002 04:59 PM
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