Here's a lousy way to start a morning:
Decide to take truck this
morning. Go out to the driveway where it's parked, to see if it has gas. Notice
both doors are unlocked. Open driver's door. Notice funny little black plastic
knobs on driver's seat. Wonder if Rudder had some gizmo break when he borrowed the
truck a couple days ago. Look around a bit more and realize the panel around the
radio, with plastic vents and A/C controls is dangling.
someone tried to steal my radio. Either they couldn't get it out or they got
frightened off, because it's still there. So now the police are supposed to call
back, I have to call my insurance when they open at 9, and somehow get enough time
off from work to drop the truck off to get fixed. Sigh.
This does
make me glad once again that I leased Zippy the Honda, so at least I have
something to drive. The worst thing is that the truck was right in front of my
house when it got broken into.