March 07, 2003

explain please?

COuld somebody please do me a favor and explain the Arthurian references in David
Lodge's book Small World? I mean, I see where they are, but why are they
there? Is it just because Persse (=Percival) is on a quest for a woman and the
Grail is a yonic (as opposed to phallic) symbol?

The Fisher King
reference I understand; not only are there the references but the structure
underlies the whole book, and becomes very clear at the end. But why the Arthur
stuff, and if it's there, why not do more with it? Or am I just missing something?

Also, it's fun to spot the bits that fit another mythos entirely,
like Miss Maiden as Delphic oracle, but why all the other stuff that doesn't fit
any mythos, like Moris Zapp -- or am I missing something?

I'm only
just reading it for the first time (thanks to a couple of diary recommendations
that I can't find now) so that's entirely likely.

Posted by dichroic at March 7, 2003 07:36 PM
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