March 09, 2003

the weekend of being 35 and 364/365

We decided to celebrate my birthday this weekend, since tomorrow, the actual day,
will probably be frantic and exhausting. Yesterday I got a pedicure (at the mall -
- must try some other places as this one is convenient but not great) and went out
for dinner at the Wrigley Mansion,
where I liked both my dinner and the Hurricane Ridge Merlot very much, but Rudder
was less enthusiastic. Today we went up to the local Pioneer Living History
Museum. We've been meaning to go for some time but weren't terribly impressed.
Afterward we went up to the Nike outlet nearby (yes, still more rowing gear) and
then back down to a local restaurant whose main appeal was the free entree their
email had offered for my birthday. We both liked the "shrimp martini" (more or
less ceviche with tequila added) but the mahi-mahi was only so-

Don't be worried if I don't update much next week; I'll be
teaching all week and am not sure how reliable my net feed will

Oops, almost forgot to mention the gifties: ruby necklace from
Rudder to match the earrings he gave me last year. And I love it, but in a way I'm
almost more impressed with the only other gift I've received so far. (My family is
ALWAYS late and this year the in-laws are too because apparently they had a
question to ask Rudder who was out of town when they called last.) It can be
difficult to buy the perfect thing for someone you live with but at least you have
the insight; how much harder to get something just right for someone you've met in
the flesh three times? (Or is it four?) The incomparable href="">Mechaieh sent me the fifth book of a
series I enjoy very much, of which I own the first four. (Interesting connection:
bought the first while visiting Swoop.) Not quite sure how she did that, as it's
been many months since she last had the opportunity to inspect my bookshelves, but
I am very grateful.

Posted by dichroic at March 9, 2003 06:48 PM
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