OK, I admit it. I haven't been taking the rowing quite as easily as intended. Some
of it is just that I'm pertified of losing some of my hard-won cardiovascular
conditioning, and some of it is just the body taking over. Last night Rudder and I
spoke to Supercoach Xeno on the phone about some of our training questions. (It
was kind of funny -- his toddlers seemed to be singing in the background). As a
result of his training philsophy, plus the fact that it's still too dark in the
mornings to see a heart rate monitor except when you can stop and light it up,
this morning I ended up rowing 10.8 miles varying between about 80% and 90% of my
max heart rate. It wasn't as unpleasant as it sounds, but still, it's possible I
was not firing on all cylinders when I taught a new module for the first time this
morning. Next week I have to anchor two full days of classes, though other people
will come in and out to teach the various sections -- I may just skip the longer
Tuesday workout or switch it around.
It's hard to know what to do
when you're trying to do well at two things and they don't heterodyne well. I
suppose if I had kids, this would be an old story.
Apropos of nothing, today's fortune cookie said, "You are a lover of words,
someday you will write a book." I might have been more inclined to believe it
without the run-on sentence.