February 07, 2003


There is this minor problem with my job: it's not a good one to be sick for. I'm
not really sick sick, but after I dragged my unwilling body out of bed and
onto the erg for five thousand meters, I found I was seeing afterimages flashing
in front of my eyes and had a bit of a headache. This has happened a few times
(but previously on weekends) in the last few months; my best guess is that my
body, still easily dehydrated in this desert air, has decided to change to showing
it in this way instead of the nausea I used to get. At any rate, I don't feel
terribly terrible, and the afterimages have mostly faded, but when they're here I
don't have much peripheral vision so I'm not willing to drive forty miles to work
until I'm sre they're gone.

Unfortunately again, I had two meetings
scheduled for this morning that actually do require my presence. So far I've
rescheduled one, arranged to call into the other, and answered several e-mails.
Good thing I'm not really sick!

By the way, go read LA today. And maybe yesterday too. SHe's
laying it out plain enough for even Ronald Reagan (and all those people who still
think that he was a good president) to understand. I don't get Shrub. (And by the
way, Molly Ivin's campaign bio of him, by the same name, is downright chilling.
She even predicted war with Iraq.) He does good things like propose money to fight
AIDs in Africa, then takes away programs that help keep teenagers from getting
pregnant or getting AIDs in the first place. He wants to fight a country that
might be trying to get nukes but ignores one that has them, says they have them,
and is threatening us with "total war". He speaks as if the whole country is
speaking through him but opposes positions that every poll says the vast majority
of us hold. Is he compensating for a small dick, incapable of logic, or what? I
know lots of people (on both sides!) disagree with me on positions; all I say to
conservatives is that I was much happier once I realized that being generally
liberal on many issures didn't mean I had to like Bill Clinton. I know a lot of
conservatives who believe in logic, and a lot who believe in not legislating
morality. Come over to the dark side....

By the way, did you know there's Wimsey slash?
Though I wouldn't rate it any higher than "amusing". However, this href="http://www.oblique-publications.net/archives/paeanvi/splendor.pdf">Northern
one is far better.

Posted by dichroic at February 7, 2003 04:59 PM
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