It's been raining here for three days now. We've got some flooding. This doesn't
happen much in the desert; to give you some idea, we've just gone from way behind
on rainfall to a=over an inch ahead of where we ought to be for the year. This
isn't quite enough to bring us out of our four-year drought,
The rain had paused during my drive in this morning, but it
was a good thing I took the truck because, while the freeways were fine, the back
road I take to work was a wading pool. Rudder offered to let me take the Orange
Crush; I didn't take him up on it because there would have been too many bells and
whistles I haven't figured out yet -- though its better defrosters would have come
in handy. Rudder gets Valentine points for offering, though.
The best
part of the drive in was that, though the rain had stopped, a fog came up in the
fields, so that the mountains were sitting on clouds instead of the other way