February 18, 2003

Atlas shrugged (well, maybe not Atlas)

Well. Yesterday I wrote
about how all the protests on Sunday should have been, and weren't, in the
national news. Thery were in the news today, but I am not reassured. The headline
on Reuters is href="http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&ncid=578&e=2&cid=578&u=/nm/20030
218/ts_nm/iraq_usa_dc">Bush Shrugs Off Global Antiwar Protests
. Six million
people, a number that resonates to any one as saturated in "Never again!" stories
of the Holocaust as I am -- only, this time it's six million standing for life.
And in another parallel to WWII is the Louis MacNeice poem href="http://mechaieh.diaryland.com/021803.html">Mechaieh quoted today. Ouch,
ouch, ouch. Here we go Santayana-ing again. (As in, "Those who do not know

On the plus side I rowed almost 13,000 meters this
morning. This is not of importance to anyone but me, but in times like these
(maybe times like any) you have to take small victories where you find them. I'm
listening to How the Irish Saved Civilization, which I've either heard or
read before, but somehow I don't remember its being this good .. or finding this
many parallels to our times. I've only just gotten through the first chapter, on
Rome and its decline, and have concluded I really need to read all of St.
Augustine's Confessions, and probably buy it. My library is very catholic, with a
small 'c'.

Posted by dichroic at February 18, 2003 04:59 PM
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