Curse you, SWooP. There I was feeling all smug, having managed to avoid watching
every show of everyseason of Survivor, Big Brother, American Idol, Joe
MIllionaire, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, MTV's Real Life, that odd current
celebrity thing, The Osbornes, and even the PBS reality shows like 1910 House, and
probably five or 10 others I've forgotten. And then you had to mention the
Wackiest Game Show moments. Didn't know what the show was called, but I'm pretty
sure I caught a bit of it yesterday -- Ted had the TV on while we were getting
ready for bed. I feel so .... sullied.
Disclaimer: we do watch Fear
Factor regularly, but hey, there's a reason for that. Having paid good
money to skydive, scuba dive, ski, hang glide, bungy jump, mountain bike,
windsurf, waterski, river raft, and kayak (not to mention jumping off a cliff or
two for free) naturally we like shows where people get to win money for doing that
stuff! And really, what's a bull testicle or two along the way?