February 27, 2003

over and out

If we don't get some of our scheduling straightened out here, my head may explode.
I could do with a bit of Mr. Rogers' deliberate slow pace right

It's really been surprising, and gratifying, to see how much
love and respect has poured out for him all day, across the Internet and the news.
I heard of his death first thing this morning when the clock radio went off
playing NPR -- but you know NPR, they often report stories that don't show up
elsewhere, or that are glossed over. So when I was composing my href="http://dichroic.diaryland.com/ripmrr.html">earlier post in my head on
the way to work, I didn't expect to be one drop in a tidal wave.

always satisfying to see someone appreciated so much for just being good
and gentle -- usually attention goes to people who are only flashy, or pretty, or
loud, or outrageous, or powerful. It's also been good to read about the honors and
thanks given to him during his life; he may have had to leave early, but he went
knowing he was beloved. I doubt he asked much more than that.

maybe some morphine. I hate to think or him dying in pain. At least stomach cancer
can be quick -- I hope it was for him.)

In an exchange of e-mails
with Batten, I wrote that I wished we
had more people in power like Mr. Rogers. If you think of it, he did have power,
or at least influence, over more people than almost anyone in a political or
business office. Batten asked in return, "Can you think of anyone else, outside
family, who influenced you more as a young child? In a positive way?" And I really

Posted by dichroic at February 27, 2003 04:59 PM
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