January 02, 2003

I did / I didn't

Oops -- fixed an error so the following is now readable -- thanks, href="http://mechaieh.diaryland.com">Mechaieh!

After getting some comments on it from an old friend (hi, L3!) I've finally
updated my Books page. I
changed the direction a little, including more things that I read and like but
that haven't necessarily changed my life or even my inner life. Every book changes
your (well, my) thinking a little, anyway. And I've now included a couple of
authors, like Madeleine L'Engle, that I have no excuse for forgetting when I first
created the page. And speaking of books, if you didn't see my previous entry, go
check out Samuel Pepys new

We got a lot of things done over the holiday: painted, went
offroading and investigating a new climbing area, finished up the erg challenge,
celebrated Rudder's birthday, celebrated Christmas with ridiculous amounts of
food, and New Year's Eve quietly. I finished a necklace my mom asked me to fix
that's been hanging around forever. I updated my wardrobe further. (Oh, wait, I
was supposed to avoid that.) Finally had almost enough time to read. Spent
time with Rudder. Made scones and chili and turkeys and turkey soup and veggies --
not all on the same day, but we have an awfully full freezer. Bought two more
trees that we'll plant up north in spring. I dragged Rudder to look at a table I'd
like to buy. And toward the end I finally got to relax, as I'd wanted to do.

I keep having to remind myself of, because we didn't go camping, I
didn't finish some embroidery, we did only the needful amount of cleaning, we
didn't set up a library (though we did plan what we need for it), we didn't
socialize much. I didn't exercise much or rethink my workout schedule. I haven't
even finished sending out the annual "awards" to the list for which I am the
moderator emerita.

When I mentioned to the woman in the next cube
that I hadn't gotten as much done over break as I'd have liked, she said, "Yeah, I
always set my standards too high, too." I like that. I didn't fail to live up to
my plans, I just have overly high standards. I'm not a a shlub who didn't get
anything done, I'm a woman with lofty ambitions. It's all in the frame of

Posted by dichroic at January 2, 2003 01:02 PM
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