This is a bit scary. I noticed this morning that I have 800 entries up on this
diary (801, as soon as I post this). And it's not like I'm keeping this blog-
style, with lots of little entries each day; these are big honking essays, one or
two a day, several paragraphs each. I knew I was verbose, but
Curious to know just how verbose I was, relatively speaking,
I did some searching around. None of the first several D-land profiles I looked at
had nearly as much volume, including even some of the pillars of Diaryland:
Weetabix, Pischina, Marn, Badsnake, Mechaieh .... all several hundred entries
behind. Anenigma and Gofigure have more posts, but theirs tend to be so short it's
evident they're not afficted with logorrhea. It wasn't until I checked the
numbers on Kinetix, KitchenLogic, and Unclebob that I finally found people who
have posted even more than I have. However, it will be noted by the astute and
habitual diary reader that the diarists mentioned above are all very widely read.
Some of them are professional or semiprofessional writers, read outside the diary
community. Me, I just babble. That's why I like the online diary format so much
(with 800 entries, obviously I do!). I can chatter on as much as I want and others
can choose whether or not to read. Read it or don't, get bored with me, go away.
It's no skin off my nose, and I like it that way.
At any rate, such
writing ability as I may have I come by honestly. My mother is becoming Bat
Mitzvah next May [1] and has just sent me a short article she wrote for her
synagoue's newsletter. The following is an excerpt, with names removed to protect
their privacy.
My name is [Dichroic's Mom], and I
am proud to be a part of the Bnai Mitzvot class. Our joint Bnai Mitzvot is
scheduled for Saturday, May 31, 2003.I have been married to
[Dichroic's Dad for 39 years, and we have 2 adult children: [Dichroic], married
to [Rudder], and [My Brother the Writer -- hmmm, guess it is
genetic].Although raised in a secular family, my parents sent me to
the Hebrew Sunday School Society for several years where I received a good
background in history and customs. It wasn't as common then for girls to become
Bat Mitzvah. However, I always felt drawn to Jewish activities, like BBG[2] and
Neighborhood Center[3]. I even met my husband at a synagogue dance. Therefore,
when we had children, it was important to me that both my daughter and my son
receive a quality Jewish education. For our family, after trying others, that
meant joining [their synagogue]. As my children moved toward being a Bat and Bar
Mitzvah, I became active in the Hebrew School PTA, and then moved on to Women's
Council.When my son started Aleph class, P
Posted by dichroic at January 8, 2003 04:59 PM