December 13, 2002

usual bitching

So, 123000 meters into the erg thing, which means somewhere over 125000 calories
burned, and my stomach is looking pouchy. Where, I ask you, where is the justice
in this world? I'm beginning to think rowing may actually be better exercise than
erging a comparable distance. After all, besides the actual rowing, there's the
carrying the boat to and from the water -- we have a longer haul than any other
boatyard I've seen.

Of course all these late dinners aren't helping:
chili and beer Wednesday night, sushi last night because my class went out to
celebrate the end of training. I keep trying to convince myself that the stomach-
pouching is only an ephemeral phenomenon caused by late dinners not having been
fully digested by early mornng, but I'm not entirely buying it. Of course, I'm not
trying to eat any less, either.

Today I get out early and can finally
do some errands, which is a good thing because tomorrow one of the other people
planning our entry into the annual Boat Parade told all the other rowers to show
up at 2, to decorate a boat for a 7PM parade, and by the time we found out it
would only have confused people to change it. It does not take 5 hours to put
lights on a boat, but since we're among the motivating factors of this whole
thing, we'll pretty much have to be there the whole time or people will just leave
and we won't have anyone to carry and row the eight. I'm not all that jazzed about
te actual lighting anyway, but Rudder gets off on planning this sort of thing.
(Yes, my husband is perverse in some ways.) The parade itself will be fun, if I
haven't gone stark mad by then.

Off to get out some more cards before
heading off to class.

Today I am thankful for: Only a half day
of training!

Posted by dichroic at December 13, 2002 04:59 PM
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