December 18, 2002

mixed grill

Another one of those mixed days here.

Good: I just found out I will
be able to take off from 12/22 all the way through New Year's Day, and won't have
to borrow vacation ahead or take more than a few unpaid hours.

Rudder keeps making noises about how much we have to do over the

Good: I think it won't be that bad. He always finds lots of
work for himself, but I think I'll only have to work with him on some painting,
which I enjoy, and a few other things like backflushing the

Bad: I lost my PalmPilot yesterday, complete with credit card
number`, all my financial numbers, and my passwords to all the 10 million work
applications that all need separate ones.

Good: The important
passwords, like for my credit card's website aren't there, just little hints to
remind me what they are.

Bad: But I can't get into any site or
application whose password I don't remember.

Good: I was thinking
about getting a new cell phone anyway, and this Palm was two years old. For
$100 less than this one cost, I can get a Handspring Treo that's a phone and
organizer, that's as small as the one I lost. And I can get a phone plan for it
that's only a couple dollars a month more than the prepaid one I

Bad: This plan doesn't have as good coverage as my current

Good (well, less bad): But it's a newer system that my current
provider is also moving toward, so coverage should improve.

Because of the lost Palm, I cancelled my credit card and won't get the new one for
5-7 days.

Good: But I can call on Saturday to get the number of the
new one, so I can use it online or over the phone. Say, to buy the new Treo. And I
can use my debit card for all in-store purchase -- don't think I had that number
in the old Palm.

Bad: Yet more money to spend, on top of all the
holiday and birthday presents.

Good: But the days I don't have to
take unpaid just about cover it.

Good: And I get wonderful, blessed,
free time to spend at home with my Rudder (and I mean those two words in the
metaphoric as well as the more literal sense) so who cares what minor irritants I
have to deal with?

P.S. The Palm has been found, though naturally it's too late to uncancel the
credit card. As a fervent believer in Murphy's Law, I knew this would happen. I'm
not sure whether to be relived or disappointed that now I have no excuse to buy a
new one.

Today I am thankful that: the Goods are outpacing the Bads. And that
tomorrow I will be done the erg holiday challenge!!!

Posted by dichroic at December 18, 2002 04:59 PM
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