I'm done, I'm done, I'm DONE
href="http://www.concept2.com/rowing/motivate/holchalfaq.asp">Two hundred thousand
meters are done, over, and
>! [Dichroic does the happy rower dance -- but stiffly.]
And then
after I showered and dressed, I decided to drive my truck into work, which is kept
outside (I mostly commute in Zippy the Honda, who lives in the garage. And I had
to scrape ice off the windshield! What an indignity! No one who has to deal
with Arizona summers should also have to scrape ice off her windshield. We don't
even keeo scrapers in our cars down here, or own winter jackets. But though our
winter days usually get up to 65-70 degrees, this being a desert, our lows can be
30 or 40 degrees cooler. And I live in one of the cold parts of this valley.
So....ice. Good thing I had a nice useful no-longer-valid credit card
Today, I am thankful for: Duh. I'm DONE!
Posted by dichroic at December 19, 2002 04:59 PM