November 05, 2002



Wrote an
entry last night, but D-land ate it. The gist was that the thing that bothers me
about being so busy is not any of the the things I have to do -- I don't even mind
my daily shlep to work, while I'm doing it -- but all the things I don't have time
for. My soul just doesn't feel right when I don't have enough time to read; I have
to chug books down in small but voracious sips instead of my usual refreshing

One that may get me in more trouble is that I have absolutely none of my holiday
shopping done yet. This is worse than it sounds, because Chanukah starts on
November 30 this year, and my mom and brother both have birthdays in early
December. Rudder's birthday is just before Christmas. I know what I want to get
him this year -- to date he's read this site about once so it should be safe to
mention that I want to give him an IOU for airfare to Ireland, to visit Egret and
T2. (An IOU instead of real tickets so that we can decide on dates together.)
Given the cost, that may have to go for his birthday as well. That still leaves me
to buy two gifts each for my mom and brother, one each for my uncle and
impossible-to-buy-for dad, and maybe some stuff for friends.

Anyone have some spare time they'd like to sell me?

Posted by dichroic at November 5, 2002 09:07 AM
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