Four meetings down, two (that I know of so far) to go. Because it's been that kind
of day. This is an historic day, the first workday since October 18 -- nearly a
month -- that I haven't been in training. I was a little worried about what I'd do
all day, but that appears not to be a problem.
With a bit of luck I
won't crash before the afternoon meetings; I was awake for several hours because
of yesterday's plumbing work. The fix itself wasn't all that big a deal; I cut off
the leaky part and Rudder capped it, because I have no desire to use a blowtorch
except maybe to carmelize creme brulee. The problem was that the pipe was behind a
bathroom wall. We didn't want to go through the wall because this is in the
bathroom Rudder redid, with tile four feet up the walls, and cutting through all
that tile would have been almost as little fun and trying to fix it afterward.
Instead he cut a small (I mean small -- 12" by 18") hole in the back of the
coat closet and we somehow squirmed through it, breathing drywall dust and some
sawdust laying back in there, then pushed asied some insulation (with gloves) to
get to the pipe. All of that shifting and cutting released a ton of dust into the
air, which was why I was laying awake, trying not to cough, trying to find a
position in which my sinuses would un-stuff. I don't think Rudder was best pleased
with me.
Egret's still here and T2 is in for the week. Egret and I
rowed the double again this morning; I'm happy to say that we completed two full
laps while our husbands went in early. Poor T2 had blisters. (Why yes, I did have
trouble keeping a straight face while I typed that.) It will be her last row for a
while as she's having her
surgery today, so please send good vibes her way.
Anyway, back to