November 23, 2002

class rundown

Thank goodness that's over. The class I've just finished was a fascinating
experience, though, on a number of levels.

First, of course, was the
one it was intended for. We learned a lot of statistical and other Six Sigma tools
(don't ask unless you really want to know) and learned them much better for having
applied them on our projects.

Next was the teamwork aspect. I've
worked on teams all my life, of course, but mostly not this closely or on this
intense a project (except maybe while rowing in a four or eight). As I've said,
this was not the team I'd have chosen. It wasn't that bad, though. The two people
I hadn't worked with before were both great. One women I expected to be annoyed
with was designated as the group lead and actually did an excellent job. (And yes,
I told her so.) That leaves only one woman whose head I kept wanting to rip off
and use as a sacrifice to the gods of statistics. Among other annoying
characteristics were a laugh like a hyena, a tendency to laugh at her own unfunny
jokes, and a habit after a margarita or two of tossing her head and saying, "Hel-
loo-o. Like, I'm from California?" I mean, really. There should be no need for any
functioning adult to show off her Valley Girl impression more than, oh, once a
decade or so.

However, at least she wasn't stupid. One thing I've
learned on this project is that a team really does get more done, even if
it's not an optimal team, as long as the team members are all reasonably
competent. This would have been completely overwhelming as an individual project -
- it was wonderful to know lots of things would get done without my having to do

Another interesting thing was watching my own reactions. I had
some training at the previous job on personality styles and was classified as a
Driving Expressive (look here to see how this system compares to others. One thing
they talked about in that training was how, under stress, the types go through a
certain pattern, showing characteristics of other types. According to that system,
under stress I should first act according to my pattern, attacking people I
disagree with, then move through Acquiescing, Atutocratic, and Avoiding in
extreem cases. And you know what, they were purt'near right, though I think I
switched Autocratic and Acquiescing. Of course in a professional situation I don't
get all emotional and make personal attacks, no matter what my type-rating says,
but I do challenge people's logic and conclusions when I disagree. From there it
was "Let's get this done -- do this, this and this, bang, bang bang, we should
just shoot quickly through this part." Then I moved to "Fine. I don't care enough
to argue - let's do it your way just so we can move on. I'm tired of arguing and
we're wasting time." And finally it was "If I stay engaged in this conversation
someone's going to have a new asshole ripped for them -- better to pull back and
just go off for a bit."

Finally, not coincidentally with that last
point, I will say that finding a copy of the excellent href="">Lust Over Pendle still stashed on
my Palm Pilot did wonders for my sanity, especially in those times where I didn't
think we needed another trial, other people did, and we had to wait until after
midnight until we could do one. At the risk of sounding obnoxious, I was right
about that and a lot of other things, but I don't think anyone was realized it --
either though not understanding the point I was making, not listening, or a spot
of self-delusion (which if this weren't a diary I might refer to as "having a
different perspective"). I did at least refrain from using the phrase "I told you
so," I'm proud to say.

Next up is this afternoon's race, a post-race
dinner, then a party to taste the new Beaujolais, to which I'm quite looking

Posted by dichroic at November 23, 2002 10:33 AM
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