October 02, 2002

confused but happy

My life, or at least the technical side of it, is becoming recursive. In a demo
this morning I encountered a software modeling tool I trained to use at the start
of my last job, a mention of a military networking protocol that's the successor
to one I used when I first moved out here, and a discussion of a proprietary
simulation tool I'd used on a petrochemical project for an aerospace company (long
story). The development environment used here, by the way, is one for which I was
a customer support engineer, let me count ... three jobs ago. I would chalk it up
to aerospace being a small world, but the last job had nothing to do with
aerospace (all of the others did, admittedly, but some were peripheral). Either
I'm mired in an endless loop or all my life has been leading to this point.
Unfortunately, I can't tell which.

This next bit is for Egret -- wouldn't want her to think it will
all be downhill from newlywed bliss.

Last night was nice. After an all-day meeting, I went out to dinner with the group, having previously warned Rudder I'd be late. The food was decent, and I got not only a free meal (I know, I
know, TANSTAAFL) but a small bonus check and, mirabile dictu, a shirt in my size.
That's never happened before -- usually the smallest they have is a men's medium.
Rudder has a whole collection of shirts from my jobs. This one is not only a
small, but a women's small. Incroyable. Even better, though, was coming home.
Though it was a good hour and a half after our normal bedtime, Rudder had gotten
home from work not long before (poor boy) and was still awake. I got to tell him
about my evening and then I got to snuggle in behind him. (Yes, we tend to spoon
backwards. So what?) It's just turned nice and cool at nights, so he wasn't
sweaty, and it felt so right to be there that I began to leak slow happy tears. We
fell asleep that way. Ahhh.... now if it only weren't for that damned alarm clock.

Posted by dichroic at October 2, 2002 04:59 PM
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