October 18, 2002

how to begin, how to end

What a great way to start the day. Egret and I took the double out this morning,
with the weather cooperating this time. An no, we didn't talk quite as much as we
rowed. Almost, though. She was a bit rusty, of course, since it must be six months
or so since she rowed last, and the damned launches with their damned wakes
weren't making balancing a foot-wide boat any too easy, but she picked it up again
very well. That is, I could critique a few things, but there are quite a few
people out there who've been rowing all this time and are far worse. And we've all
got a few things to improve. We did a 3/4 pressure piece at the end that felt
really nice, especially the part where we pulled away from a women's eight. (hee,
hee, hee. Actually, I think they were doing drills, but still, 8 oars vs. 2. And
we weren't at full pressure either. You do the math.)

This is my last
day at my old job, really. I'll still officially be reporting to this department
for another week, but I'll spend all of that week offsite in training for the new
job. So this is my last day in the cube, since I'll be coming back to a shiny new
and bigger one. (They said it would be an office but they ran out of them. Rats.)
Packing all my stuff isn't really combining all that well with my usual Friday
wall-to-wall meetings.

Posted by dichroic at October 18, 2002 04:59 PM
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