August 16, 2002

restful Saturday

Ahhhh, sleeping late. Really late this time, all the way to nine or so. Errands
today, including a waterproof box for the digital camera and new sunglasses for
me, and steaks and wine for dinner. I took the waterproof case down 11 feet or so
to the bottom of the proof (being for once intelligent enough to take the camera
out *first*) and it passed with dry flying colors.

Tomorrow, I plan
to go fall in the lake. I want to practice getting back into a boat -- not the
easiest thing when your boat is only a foot or so wide -- while it's warm and
light out. If you don't hear from me by Monday, assume the lake water is even more
toxic than I had thought. Maybe I'll let Rudder take the camera.

Posted by dichroic at August 16, 2002 04:59 PM
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