This is the second entry today; I wrote about a few authors href="">here.
inevitable piercing update: it doesn't hurt now, even when I touch it (which I'm
not supposed to do anyway, and mostly don't). It does hurt when I catch it on
something and the top ball gets yanked down. This happens at least once a day,
unfortunately. It happened in a fairly drastic (i.e. painful) fashion yesterday;
I'm not entirely sure of the details, but I think Rudder and I became a bit too
well omphalically aligned.
See the brilliant parody of Xena, "
href="">I Am the Very Model of
a Heroine Barbarian for the definition of omphalos. Heck, see it even if you
know what I meant to say -- it's a better world just knowing contains people who
can write stuff like that.
Possibly due to yesterday's incident, I
did see just a tiny bit of ooze today, for the first time. This is still less
trouble than I've had with any ear piercing, so I have hopes it will heal
uneventfully. It turned out my trouble rowing the first day was because that
particular boat isn't rigged right for me; with my feet as far in as they'll go,
the oar handles are still together when they touch my body, instead of several
inches apart as they should be. Not only was that painful at times, it's
inefficient, because I'm just getting to the most efficient part of the stroke
(blades perpendicular to the boat) when I have to pull the blades out of the
water. (Yes, it's true: not only are there innumerable complexities within the
single, ostensibly simple motion that is rowing, but there is another entire host
of complexities in the world of boat rigging.)
Rudder and I had more
discussion over the weekend on how to spend some tax refund money we've got laying
around, but are really no closer to deciding among the options(redo the pool; redo
the kitchen; buy another boat; get a new roof or A/C). There are so many factors
involved: how long will our current roof and heat pumps last? How long will we
stay in this house? If we get a new boat, will we be able to get storage space?
And so on, and so on.
We did decide to tweak our rowing schedules to
allow us each to use our single more often, which is why I was at the gym instead
of on the lake this morning. We'll see how well this works. The advantage to
rowing on Tuesdays and Thursdays is that the club and city don't have launches out
to roil the water on those days. Unfortunately, Coach DI just got one, so he may
be out on it to mar my pristine lake. I hope not.