June 19, 2002

yesterday, a child came out

One of the best things about reading diaries is the chance to go through nearly
the whole life cycle in a morning. Today I've read one href="http://caerula.diaryland.com">wants-to-be-a-mom, one href="http://akkelly.diaryland.com">pregnant woman, two href="http://bafleyanne.diaryland.com">mothers of http://www.redhairedgirl.com/journal/20020617.html">one-year-olds, one href="http://marn.diaryland.com">woman in the thick of her life with her
daughter grown and gone, and one old
looking back on his life. Likely later on I'll read a teenager or two,
someone with young children, someone with a pubescent daughter, a young adult on
her own, someone in a stable couple with reproduction plans way off in the future,
someone just planning to get married, and someone in her thirties who chooses not
to have children (that would be this essay, among others). It's good to share a
bit in the whole carousel of time.

Posted by dichroic at June 19, 2002 09:59 AM
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