June 20, 2002

wasp colors != WASP colors

I'm tired. This morning I rowed a double with the Oldtimer -- not sure whether
it's fairer to say he wore me out or that I'm exhausted from dragging his butt all
over the lake. (Neither, really.) It was a good row, though, and when we did some
racing starts they went fairly well for our first time rowing together. We raced
Rudder for those, though, and he beat us most (not all) of the time. One of these
days I want to race Rudder in a single. I bet I can keep up with him, or nearly,
for 100 meters, but that he'll pull further and further ahead over longer

I'm tired also because I woke up at 3AM, an hour before I
needed to. As if four weren't bad enough! The dratted cats have been whining
around that time most mornings lately, and though they didn't today, I think they
have me trained now. Gah.

I like my job -- just got confirmed for
some training that will help me both here and in the future. And I just got back
from the cafeteria, where the local Pride group is manning and womanning a table
today, raising awareness and giving away lollypops. How cool is that? Still .... I
wish I'd called in sick and spent the day sleeping. only a week and a day until
we leave for Alaska. I still wonder if there's really any such thing as a job so
wonderful you don't want to take vacations. Given my fondness for change, I
suspect there is not, for me. It might be true for other people who are fonder of
routine and who don't like leaving home.

At the Pride table, I
answered a question about the origin of the pink and black triangle symbols to
enter a drawing for movie tickets. Easy ... they should have known better than to
let a woman wearing a mezuza answer a Holocaust-related question. Like shooting
non-pork kosher hot dogs in a barrel. I also picked up their information sheet,
which did have some stuff I didn't know. Apparently women were not officially sent
to the concentration camps for being lesbians, but were sent as "antisocials", a
category "which included everything from feminism, lesbianism, prostitution, and
was extended to any woman who didn't conform to the ideal Nazi image of a woman."
There is a chart showing the various symbols prisoners were forced to wear;
apparently the right-side-up yellow triangle that forms part of the star Jews were
forced to wear could be combined with inverted triangles of other colors to show
Jewish political prisoners, Jewish criminals, Jewish homosexuals, and so on. Given
the definition above, I'm tempted to adopt the yellow-and-black triangles of the
'Jewish antisocial'. Except that Hitler is not among my favorite

P.S. I've finally gotten around to updating the href="http://dichroic.diaryland.com/whoswho.html">Who's Who page, and
correcting some of the misspellings and redundancies.

Posted by dichroic at June 20, 2002 11:38 AM
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