May 04, 2002

Dichroic, autocrat

The word for the weekend is "Arrggghh". I have to go up at least one more time for
my BFR, because my (faked) emergency landings still sucked, and the CFI has this
stubborn idea about how he wants to make sure I'm safe up there

On the splitting-the-list issue, I expected my hand-wringing,
but a bigger percentage of the responses are negative that, I expected -- the
first couple were positive, but it's been all downhill since then. One thing that
annoys me is now we're starting to get complaints from people who were part of the
problem in the first place. (I was especially amused by the one who deplored
splitting the lists but then said we should have just let people join my list
without requiring them to be members of the other one. Huh?) And one thing that
worries me is the very few volunteers we've gotten to be on the jury that judges
new members. We can't do this without help from the list members, which is
probably part of what got us into this list.

And we can't go
back to the way things were. The other moderators simply don't want us there. Oh,
they'd have probably let us stay attached if I begged, but it would have been
miserable to try to keep the lists together without enthusiasm on both sides. And
anyway, I don't beg. Not without damned good reason, anyway.

true that the list members have a point in deploring our taking such a major step
without consulting them, but had we done so, they'd have all voted to keep the
lists connected without coming up with ways to solve the original problem. And a
vote and ensuing discussion would have taken forever, while the other moderators
were urging us to a speedy decision. Autocracy is so much more efficient :-

Work is so-so at the moment -- lots of interesting things going on,
but being a contractor is a bit of a problem, since it's hard to get the training
to do my job as well as I'd like. And this is internal company stuff, so it's not
like I could go train on my own. My boss has been difficult to find and talk to
lately, too, which is always worrying.

As I said, "arrgghh". At least
rowing is going well.

Posted by dichroic at May 4, 2002 04:59 PM
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