Gyms are dangerous places to walk around. I think I banged my knee this morning. (Correction: I know damned well I banged my knee; I think it was in the gym this morning.) It should be better in time for tomorrow's row though. Unlike Batten, I only specialize in minor injuries: bumps, bruises, scrapes. Never broken a bone (yet!) probably mostly because so many of my childhood adventures were on the printed pages rather than the playing fields of Eton (or, more likely, Northeast Philadelphia). Come to think of it, many of my childhood adventures were on the playing fields of Eton, or thereabouts, vicariously. Isaac Asimov once wrote something about having not a drop of English blood in his body but being descended from that heritage in his ideas literary outlook, a much more central thing to him, and I'm the same way.
I have a theory Asimov and I are/were distantly related, anyhow. His mother's (not uncommon) birth name was the same as mine, my ancestors were from around they area where he was born, and my mind seems to work in the same packrat, unspecialized fashion as his, though of course not as well. A similarity of kind rather than of degree. Quite likely the theory is completely wrong, though, As I said, it's not that rare a name. (What do you mean, you've never met any other Dichroics?)
I also have a theory that, having written in here for about fourteen months, I'm starting to repeat myself; I'm fairly sure I've expounded the above before. I've been swamped lately, and that always does horrible things to my memory. (It's also making me far behind on dealing with changes to my list. Repeat: "It's only a list. It's only a list....")
Posted by dichroic at May 9, 2002 04:59 PM