April 01, 2002

Hardcore rowing

Since Egret won't be rowing much for a while (being very probably about to move to
Ireland for a year and a half, among other things), I've asked Hardcore if she
wants to race a double at Long Beach at the end of this month. She was very
interested, since the city program she's been rowing with has been sliding
downhill, and we had our first practice today. We'll be rowing the double at least
once a week for this month, then rowing other stuff the rest of the time. I figure
we can work on strength and speed in any boat, and concentration on getting our
timing, finesse, and racing starts together during our double

We'd never rowed together in anything smaller than a quad.
Considering that, today went very well. We even practiced some racing starts, and
both got off the water feeling like we have lots of potential as a boat. We're
well matched for size. I think my form is a little better (and I've rowed singles
and doubles more) but she has more endurance and probably more tenacity. Not to
mention a masochistic streak, having undergone multiple tattoos, piercings,
childbirths, and marathons.

One more thing about last Friday. I've
had a tablecloth for several years that we have guests at our table sign. After
that, I embroider over the ink signatures. While I doubt I'll ever end up donating
it to the Smithsonian as Joe Doolittle (Gen. Jimmy Doolittle's wife) did with
hers, it is a nice keepsake. On Friday, after the meal, we had Egret and T2 sign
it. T2, in one of his delusions of grandeur, signed in big letters, "T2 'THE MAN'
HATFIELD". I'm torn between thinking that's pretty funny and lamenting my nice
tablecloth. But I must admit, it will hold memories for us!

Posted by dichroic at April 1, 2002 10:59 AM
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