Saturday, a couple of posters I had ordered from
href=<"">Potomac Rowing came in the mail. Today, I
brought them into work (tricky, since I was also carrying 30 lbs of Gatorade,
having stocked up at Sam's Club -- it's getting hot here!) and hung them up. Both
have very nice pictures of single scullers. One has some line about perseverance
that is meant to be inspiring but rings fairly true anyway. ("What we hope ever to
do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence -- no attribution.) The
other has a long selection from Tennyson's Ulysses, a poem I like enough
that I have stenciled "I will drink life to the lees," on my dining room
I hung the posters (T pins and binder clip on the fabric
cubicle walls), sat down, looked up at the Ulysses poster .... and promptly
noticed a typo. Shit! It's a very minor one ("to" for "too") but now it's what
I'll see every time I look at that poster. They also changed Tennyson's spelling
(he wrote "vext", "enjoy'd", "suffer'd", and so on, and they substituted standard
spellings) which is annoying but not as much so.
I called the company
and the guy there told me that these posters were printed five years ago and no
one has ever complained before. He offered to let me return it, but after all,
it's not like it's damaged and I can get a better one.
Maybe I'll
give it to Rudder. It won't bother him -- he can't spell anyway.