Now I'm having hallucinations. Instead of my usual trip to the building cafeteria,
I decided to walk to Taco Hell today. Yes, their food has way too much fat, but
the cafeteria isn't serving anything I like today and I don't want a salad. I had
a salad and shrimp (Gambas al Ajillas...mmmm) for dinner last night and will
problem have the same again tonight. (Leftovers....mmmm again.) Besides, it's a
beautiful day out. Anyway, on the way there, I was watching the little planes take
off at the small airport across the street when I noticed a sign on a building
there that read, "Flight Line". A place with that name at an airport is most
likely either a pilot shop or a cafe, and either way I'm interested, so I detoured
a bit to check it out.
When I got to the corner where I should have
been able to see it again, "Flight Line" was gone!! I looked and looked, but
couldn't see it at all. Back in the office with my Mexi-junkfood, I checked Yahoo
Yellow Pages and couldn't find a place with that name at all. My best guess is
that maybe a truck with that name painted on it was pulled up at the airport and
drove away. I just don't know, though.
I don't think I'll mention at
work that I'm seeing things, especially because I might have to go get drug-tested
for a third time. No, I haven't been smoking anything, let alone anything illegal.
The first time, the sample I provided was "too dilute". (Well, you're supposed to
drink lots of water, especially if you both work out and live in a desert
climate!) The second time, reflex was too strong for me and as I stood up, I
automatically flushed, contrary to instructions. Ooops. I can't imagine what
difference that should really make, anyway. After all, it's not like they do a
strip search. Anything I could have hidden on the way in, I could have hidden
equally well on the way out.
Still, I really don't much want to have
to fill that cup again.
On a completely different (and
probably more appetizing) subject, I'm starting to get the urge to go flying
again. I've logged very few hours in the last couple of year -- I keep meaning to,
but there's never enough time. I ought to have done it during my layoff; after
Christmas it wasn't even a question of money, since Rudder gave me a block of time
at our local FBO (FBO=Fixed Base Operator=flying school). I never used it because
I wanted to do some reading and "chair flying" first and I never got to that.
Watching the small planes take off and working on aviation software has started to
get to me, I guess. I probably need to just schedule the time first and let that
force me to read up. I'd like to just take a couple lessons out here at lunch,
though I probably should use the time Rudder gave me first.