February 06, 2002


The Internet Cafe I'm in is called Laputa; I haven't figured out whether that's be
cause it sounds vaguely like 'computer' or whether the Gulliver reference is
deliberate. If the latter, it's extremely clever, given the engrossing nature of
websurfing, but somehow I suspect the former is more likely.

Koreans tend to walk on the left side of the street, like Australians, even though
they drive on the right, like all the non-British Commonwealth

Since last writing, I've been to the convention center and
associated shopping arcade and the Itaewon market district. I'm saving the
National Museum and the War Museum for Friday, when Rudder is free. Today I'm off
to see the Namdaemun market and the city's south gate, and if the weather clears
up, the Seoul tower. It's something like the third highest tower in the world, but
that may be including the mountain it's on -- cheating, really. If the misty
clouds decide to rain on me (and the rest of Seoul, of course), I may just give up
and head back to the hotel to check out their fancy afternoon tea. When in Seoul,
do as the English do, eh what?

So far, my Korean is limited to yes
(ye), no (anyo), thank you (kamsa hamnida, with the words slurred together into
something more like kamsamnida) and "Suseyo", which is apparently something like
"Hello, can I help you?" Yes, it's a good shopping city. Off to spend more money

PS. I checked my messages and found two from recruiters. I
called them back and it sounds like one may be able to get my clearance extended,
which would remove my looming job-search deadline. Phew.

Posted by dichroic at February 6, 2002 04:59 PM
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