February 25, 2002

maybe there's hope for him

Good Lord. Rudder bought me flowers, as a "Congratulations for being gainfully
employed again" sort of thing. I can't remember the last time he brought me any,
but the century certainly didn't start with a '2'.

Later note: Actually, the bouquet he got is very pretty, with some sort of pink-
speckled lilies, feathery ferns and squiggly twigs; however, I have begun thinking
of the main component as 'dung lilies' for their rather pungent scent. And they're
filling the house with it. I couldn't resist mentioning the odd scent to Rudder,
who went over, sniffed, and said, "They smell good to me." However, I tried to
cast my comment in as positive a light as possible and have refrained from
mentioning the species' new name to him. And really, I don't care; I've been so
irked at him for the past week, for not showing up for the tax meeting and then
not, apparently, trying hard to apologize, that we haven't been as snuggly as
usual. But he's reprioritized his work now and given me these as a gesture -- they
could smell like ginkgo fruit and I wouldn't complain.

Anyway, they seem to be wilting already, so the smell shouldn't last too long!

Today I hope to leave work around noon, to get my hair cut, update my insurance,
and maybe if my willpower fails, drop in at a local shoe store. Bad Dichroic. But
I will enjoy to the fullest the free time I get, since after this it will be grey
cubicles full time for me. I've got loads of stuff to take in with me to at least
make it a Dichroicized grey cube.

Off to the gym.

Posted by dichroic at February 25, 2002 04:59 PM
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