January 02, 2002

the cat about nothing

Sorry to be handing such a steady supply of href="http://dichroic.diaryland.com/benotproud.html">death and href="http://dichroic.diaryland.com/wantajob.html">grumpiness. Blame my cat,
who in his emotional neediness and quest to be on my lap (or in my face or on my
mouse) every single time I get on the computer lately is being very, very
annoying. At the moment he's on the seat next to me, having wormed his way up
between the seat and the back of my small desk chair. Every once in a awhile I
have to lean over and squish him a little so he doesn't jump up on my lap (to
start kneading my legs, claws out) or walking across the computer. He's only got
about three inches of space to sit in, and I don't know how he's avoiding falling
off the chair, but the purr volume seems to indicate a state of domestic

My other cat, out in the back yard at the moment, is much less
annoying. He's so much more emotionally stable than the one currently attempting
to sneak onto my lap (I don't know why he thinks I don't notice) that he will even
come over to comfort me when I'm upset. The more annoying cat is a "me, me, me"
type, the sort who only worries if people are paying him enough attention. If they
ever resuscitate the Seinfeld show, I'm sending him over for audition. He'd fit
right in.

Posted by dichroic at January 2, 2002 04:59 PM
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