January 15, 2002

time to play frisbee with the laptop

Diaries are good for when you can't get your husband on the phone and you have an
overwhelming irony to communicate.

So, want to hear something

I've spent all of today on the computer; we decided to back it
up to its original parameters instead of adding more memory, in the hopes that
there's just something eating memory that I can get to go away. First, I installed
the 'conversion kit', because @Home is dying and Cox is taking over our part of
their network. They only support Outlook Express, so then I had to figure out how
to configure Outlook to get mail at both the old and the new addresses. Got that
done (though I'm not sure how to have it send mail from the new one). I did this
first so I could see what the new settings were, mail servers and so on, and write
them all down, rather than having to figure it out from scratch after killing off
all the relevant software.

Next, I had to back up the files I wanted
to keep, as well as things like my Internet bookmarks and saved e-mail. First, I
had to export the latter to files, then, because I'm lame and have never written a
CD on this computer, I had to install the CD-writing software. Then I had
to recall that the computer actually came with separate drives for reading DVDs
and writing CD-ROMs and put the drive in. After all that I had to figure out how
to get the computer back to its initial settings. I figured it out from Help at
the same time I was on the phone to ask Customer Support the same

At that point, I ha my files backed up, knew how to do a
restore, and had only to decide what date to restore to. And at that point
............................ 2:30 PM, mind you, having been online since 8AM with
only a few breaks ..............................................................
at that point, I noticed the computer, for the first time in two weeks, wasn't
running slow at all.

I'm tempted to do a restore anyway, but I think
that would fall into the category of cutting off my RAM to spite my ROM. Or
something like that.

Someone tell me again why I chose to work with
computers for a living? And why I do this even when I'm not getting paid for it?

Posted by dichroic at January 15, 2002 04:59 PM
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