January 22, 2002

far off in the future

I finally had that phone interview yesterday -- the told me that by the time they
get through their formal interview process (the main interviewer is going out of
the country for two weeks), it will probably be mid-March before they have anyone
actually starting work. I thought parts of the interview went well, but they did
ask some questions I didn't know how to answer -- highly technical embedded-
software stuff. The good news is that they're filling four slots, and that they
don't mind if I have to reapply for a clearance. (I was worried because the end of
February will be two years since my last security clearance was turned off, and
after that, it can't be turned back on without reapplying.) The fact that having
me start sooner would save the company a good amount of money and paperwork is
less important than following process, which is actually one of my concerns about
this place.

The Korea trip is shaping up nicely. For the bulk of the
time, we'll be in Seoul, staying at (wait for it) the Ritz-Carlton. Rudder's
company does treat its people well, but I think this has more to do with the fact
that a Ritz in Seoul costs about the same as a Holiday Inn here. This would all be
more poetically apt if Rudder had ever made me one of those "Stick with me, kid,
and I'll take you to the Ritz," sort of speeches. Apparently the end of our visit
will run into the local New Year's celebrations, which should be very interesting
but may shut the city down. We'll be staying with cousins at that point, though,
which should make it easier to participate or not, as we want. (That reminds me: I
need to buy film. Lots of film.)

I do have one thing to look forward
to today: a visit to CoolSalonGuy, which is always fun. I'm always glad to have a
major trip or event to tell him about, to maintain my reputation as being
certifiable. And I can ask him for an opinion on that other major question I've
been mulling over. Should I get my navel pierced?

Posted by dichroic at January 22, 2002 04:59 PM
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