December 13, 2001

unseemly gloating

Now that I've dumped all the details of my href="">Philly trip, in inordinately
fine detail, I can share
a bit of news that was waiting for me when I returned.

The subject of
many rants here has gone down in flames of his own making. Coach DI has been

Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat! Hear me!

Excuse me, that was unseemly.

[hee, hee, hee,

Sorry again.

Remember a few weeks ago, when he
took two boats out of
, against city policies? Well, word of that got back to the city (and not
through me, I might add).

He's still trying to believe
himself in the right, apparently -- he sent a note to the rowing e-mail list
stating that he had "resigned, due to irreconcilable differences". Uh, yeah.
That's not the way I heard it.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see
what happens next, I hope the city can keep their rowing program together. They
may have some trouble finding a new head coach who would take a part-time

Today I am thankful that: I had nothing to do with
creating the mess described above.

Concept II Holiday
52300 meters left.

Posted by dichroic at December 13, 2001 04:59 PM
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