Oww. [Creeeakk] *whimper* Ow.
I guess breakfast before rowing worked
(she said, doubtfully). I didn't puke or anything, or even feel anywhere close to
it, and I did seem to warm up a little faster. I was getting a little antsy about
finishing the damned erg thing already, especially after seeing that Rudder had
only 11K to go, and hearing that T2 snuck ahead of me also. He's a bit
competitive, and I think falling behind me may have bothered him a bit -- catching
up included doing *two* erg pieces some days.
So.....I did a half
marathon, 21,097 meters. I foresee lots of Gatorade and plenty of doing nothing in
my immediate future. I don't actually feel all that bad, though my back aches a
bit, but I think I've earned the right to malinger. Also, I burned over 1000
calories, and probably ought to replace some of those. Fortunately, I don't have
to do anything until leaving to coach the juniors at 3
Today, I am thankful that: I'm nearly
Concept II Holiday Challenge: 5819 meters left!
Posted by dichroic at December 17, 2001 04:59 PM